Responding to a Nor’easter

March 14, 2010 – In my last blog entry I talked about positive, transformational change, forward looking attitude, and hope for the future. As I sit at my desk in my house darkened by last night’s black-out, thinking about the water accumulating in the basement due to the sump pump not working, I wonder how to apply those positive, broadened perspectives to my predicament.

Most of all I’m struck by my sense of calm. Sure it would be nice if the lights were working, if the heating system were working, and if water were no inundating the basement. Yet such is today’s reality caused by the storms this weekend and I know my situation is far from unique. I hear the humming of the generators of my neighbors who were farsighted enough to have such units and wish I had planned for this contingency. Then I recall the last time the power went out for such an extended time. It was three years ago. And I decided afterwards that the frequency of such events did not warrant the cost of installing a generator.

But now the situation has changed. My home is on the market and I had to cancel the Open House scheduled for today, mainly due to the water in the basement. Not an inviting first impression of a home. In addition, I’m thinking about my scheduled meeting with a prospective new client tomorrow.  How will I handle all the tasks at home and at work?

Friday, March 19th – Clear headed focus with a broadened perspective was the key. I stepped back from my situation, took stock of my surroundings and revisited old decisions. I reminded myself that although I had no control over the Nor’easter which caused major power outages, I did have control over my responses to the storm’s aftermath. I decided my situation had changed sufficiently to warrant purchasing a generator to handle the flooded basement and be able to meet the prospective client with a calm spirit knowing that my home, albeit cold and dark, was dry.  And that calm spirit remained with me all week, allowing me to seize the opportunity to spontaneously decide to visit my son in Los Angeles for a long weekend and bond with him in person, something I’d been planning on doing for months but didn’t get around to until now.

Consider the possibilities.

Adam J. Krim                                                                                     


About Adam J. Krim

Adam works as a Certified Professional Coach, delivering soft skills training seminars on a variety of topics, including Time Management, Harnessing Stress, Decision Making, Problem Solving and more.
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